segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Lissy Elle Photography

Lissy Laricchia (a.k.a Lissy Elle) é uma fotógrafa canadense, q cria fotografias mágicas, surreais e "pausadas no meio do movimento" (paused in motion). Ela brinca com o assunto (foco da foto), gosta de mudar as regras da gravidade e usar adereços inteligentes, localização e manipulação digital. Suas fotografias "de sonho", certamente são agradáveis para os olhos, levando vc pra fora, em algum lugar, por um momento, mas o mundo q habitam essas imagens também tem um ar de mistério.

original text: Lissy Laricchia aka Lissy Elle is a Canadian photographer who creates magical, paused in motion surreal photos. She plays with the subject, likes to change the rules of gravity and use smart props, location and digital manipulation. Her dreamy photographs are certainly pleasing on the eye, taking you off somewhere for a moment but the world within these images has also an air of mystery. [by TrndLand]

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Click to enlarge

fonte/source: TrendLand link

terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2011

The Killers - the World We Live in

The World We Live In by The Killers

This is the world that we live in
I feel myself get tied
This is the world that we live in

Well maybe I was mistaken
I heard a rumour that you quit this day and age
Well maybe I was mistaken

Bless your body, bless your soul
Pray for peace and self control

I gotta believe it’s worth it
Without a victory,
I’m so sanctified and free
Well maybe I’m just mistaken

Lesson learned and the wheels keep turning

This is the world that we live in
I can’t take blame for two
This is the world that we live in
And maybe we’ll make it through

Bless your body, bless your soul
Reel me in and cut my throat

Underneath the waterfall
Baby we’re still in this boat, yeah

This is the world that we live in
Feel myself get tired
This is the world that we live in

I had a dream that I was falling, down
There’s no next time around
A storm wasted its water on me
But my heart was free

I guess it’s the world that we live in
It’s not too late for that
This is the world that we live in
And no, we can’t go back

This is the world that we live in
I still want something real
This is the world that we live in
I know that we can heal over time

This is the world that we live in.

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

SoundCloud - playlist by box1824

Best playlist ever!!!
It's really worth the listen!

Playlist by box1824

I can't get enough of it, baby..! I'm just absolutely addicted!

sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

Foto do Dia / Photo of the day!

Two versions of the same photo/ Duas versões da mesma foto!

Later I'll post the source of the photos and its due credits.

Depois vou atualizar, postar a fonte e passar os devidos créditos para vcs!

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

Yestadt - [Touch Concept store]

A "Touch Concept store", inaugurada a duas semanas atrás é uma loja -conceito "aprovada /curada (de curadoria)" pelo Trendland, q se vcs costumam ler este blog: ou meu outro - AnotRunway-Paris isBurnin, vcs já devem conhecer!
Agora é hora deles anunciarem (a vez de anunciar) Rotation #2 - trazendo YESTADT Millinery!
Yestadt Millinery. é uma linha exclusiva de Millinery (arte do chapeleiro) feita a mão, baseado em New York. Todos os chapéus são produzidos localmente, no centro de Manhattan, mantendo a tradição da fabricação, que inicialmente fizeram a cidade tão grande. Para a instalação TRENDLAND convidou Claire Duport para "atacar" as paredes com o seu estilo ilustrativo meticuloso. Os chapéus são instalados sobre aglomerados de tranças gráficas, que acrescentam uma bonita dimensão, e aspecto surreal para o espaço.

Yestadt está (desenvolvendo) "evoluindo o estado" da arte de fazer chapéus (chapelaria) hoje, com o retorno e a colaboração do artesanato. TOUCH se orgulha de ter dois modelos exclusivos a venda. Ambos são unisex e estão disponíveis na cartela de cores SS11.
Perfeito para vestir na primavera!

Two weeks ago was the official opening of Touch Concept Store, curated by TrendLand.. (which you might know if you read this blog, or my other regulary).

Original text:
Two weeks ago we announced the official opening of TOUCH CONCEPT STORE curated by TRENDLAND, and now its time to announce Rotation #2 – featuring YESTADT Millinery (Available for purchase for 2 weeks only – online and at the store). Yestadt Millinery is a unique line of hand made millinery based in New York City. All of their hats are produced locally in downtown Manhattan, keeping in line with the tradition of manufacturing that originally made the city so great. For the installation TRENDLAND invited Claire Duport to attack the walls with her meticulous illustrative style. The hats are installed on clusters of graphic braids that add a beautiful dimension and surreal aspect to the space.

Yestadt is evolving the state of millinery today with the return of artisan craftsmanship. TOUCH is proud to have 2 exclusive designs on sale. Both are unisex and are available in SS11 color palette.
Perfect for Spring dressing!


sábado, 7 de maio de 2011